Thursday, January 14, 2010

'Avatar' pwns

I had some fun with photo manipulation after seeing this video. This is me, as a resident of Pandora, a Na'vi:

It was surprisingly easy to do, and only took about an hour and a half, most of which I spent fiddling around with layer settings and opacity. Of course, I also didn't go into as much detail as the guy did in the video, such as re-texturing the skin and whatnot. And my face is extraordinarily un-Na'vi-like. Still, I think it's a pretty good effect overall.

As for the film behind the species: I thoroughly enjoyed Avatar and have to recommend it, and not just because it's visually amazing. Yes, it's very predictable (especially if you've read Frank Herbert's Dune — the storyline is practically identical), but just because you see the events coming from a mile away doesn't mean that you don't care about the characters they happen to. I cried more than once while I was watching it.


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