Just look at that profile. Gorgeous.
Charlie is one of several dogs in this area with cross-gender names; she is, indeed, female. A borzoi mix, she shares her space with two women, a bunny, a duck, and a shepherd mix named Nika (below).
Both these dogs are all legs and pure energy. Rufus loves to try to keep up with them, and we love to watch him try. Here's a size comparison between a corgi and a borzoi:
Friday, July 31, 2009
Posted by Oz at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Anubis Mask: In progress!
Oh man, I'm so stoked about this project I started today. I've had a specific design in mind for an Anubis-esque mask that I've wanted to make for at least a year, but I've never had the resources.
Then a couple days ago I splurged on a big container of cheap air-dry clay, and I spent all this morning getting a good start on it. I made the base out of a duct-tape dummy of my face (naturally I just had one of these lying around), a plastic bottle, and a paper towel roll, and then I plopped myself on the floor and mucked around with clay!It's been years since I worked with any sort of modeling compound, and what a glorious change of medium it is. What is it about clay that makes you feel compelled to sit on the floor while you're working with it? Something about the earthiness, or is it all the childhood Play-Doh memories it evokes?
Posted by Oz at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: projects
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I'm sorry, what was I saying the other day about dogs who have one-ear-up, one-ear-down?This little pup doesn't officially have a name yet. A friend found him playing with a tumbleweed in the middle of the road, so everyone calls him Tumble. It's a week later, and no one has claimed him yet. A friend of mine is currently debating whether she wants to keep him, but she's getting married this weekend, so the timing is off.
He's definitely got the flavor of a Jack Russell, plus some kind of bully breed. He's quite tiny, and notoriously insane.I just hope someone officially adopts him soon.
Posted by Oz at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: dogs
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wow, sorry about the lag in updates there. To make up for it, please enjoy these photos of a dog with asymmetrical ears:
His name is Jack and he belongs to a friend of a friend. Note the one-ear-up, one-ear-down theme, and how this feature automatically doubles his cuteness score. More dogs should have this gift, I feel.
The other best thing about Jack is that all you have to do is look at him and he immediately rolls over for a belly rub.
Posted by Oz at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: dogs