Saturday, November 14, 2009


Evan and I moved last week to the Minneapolis area. Neither of us has a job yet, so we're both busy scouting out our options, unpacking, opening bank accounts, building up our mental maps of the surrounding area, getting acquainted with the different pace of life...

We're in the midst of suburbia, but it's considerably more urban than the town where I've been living for the past six years. Most of the local establishments aren't local at all, but are chains. I have yet to find a good place to let Rufus run around off-leash. And there's an oxymoronic aura of both isolation and significant lack of privacy.

We have no internet at home yet (and I still lack a working camera), so I can't make any promises as to the regularity of updates or the timeliness of answered e-mails. I can promise, however, that I will try. At the very least I'll queue up some entries to post automatically.

Here's a pattern I made. My experience with making patterns is... well, you're looking at the sum total of it right now. Sized for widescreen desktops (full size 1280x800) for your downloading pleasure (for personal use only).

Click for larger image.


based on a design by